Alex Jones: Deep State Flailing to Interrupt America First Beachhead in the Republican Party

2023-10-20 08:12:01.0
"Money going for foreign aid conflicts is going to be laundered back into the Democrat Party."

"This is the death rattle, the flailing of the corrupt establishment trying to bully us back under their control."

"The deep state is gearing-up false flags."

"Water, debt and military crises [will be used to usher in the social credit score system, the ultimate objective of global tyrannical forces]".

"They are not even hiding it."

"They are going to loot and bankrupt this country and try to take control .. lean into it and point out their hypocrisy."

"The public sees through this garbage."

"They are passing laws [so that] illegal aliens can be police .. to break our will, not out of strength, but out of intense weakness."
2024-01-31 15:18:58.0
2024-01-14 08:42:36.0
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