Bassam Yousif : "[The Israel problem is All the Catholics' Fault]"

2023-11-03 09:12:14.0
According to Bassam Yousif, the Catholics' banning of predatory lending, the expense of their decadence, caused the "Jewish Problem".

Europe expelled the Jewish people to Africa, who were pressed back to what is present day Israel, a land created for them by British Oligarchs who did not want to pay back their debts.

In 1095, the Pope called for the first "Crusades of the Rhineland", which killed 2000 Jews, but no Muslims, to erase debt of Europe.

He claims that the modern day issues in the Middle East were created originally by the exclusion of the Jewish people from Europe, a people who were cohesive and effective because they were driven by their monotheistic, family-focused faith.

A fascinating exposition by Bassam Yousif that I offer to you for your consideration.
2024-01-31 15:18:58.0
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