John Stewart and his Comedy Team Hit the Problem with the Israel Issue .. 9 YEARS AGO

2023-10-12 08:30:00.0
It's a political ground hog day.  The same script is used every few years to justify draining the US Treasury, forgo domestic investments in small business, liquid capital markets, and access to capability and receptive goods and services markets.

It's clear the intent of the environment for discourse is to prevent the discourse, not necessarily favor one side.

The intent is to keep the fighting going and to shift 401K and other aggregate investment pools to take advantage of war, which creates other auxilliary markets/economies as well.

It's a sign of poor vision, poor leadership, and poor execution of humanity's goals.
2024-01-31 15:18:58.0
2024-01-14 08:42:36.0
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