Opinion: Rich Men North of Richmond Misses Pretty Big Target

2023-08-13 23:45:32.0
The #1 song on iTunes talks about rich men north of Richmond who want total control, but seems to chastize poor people checking out of the impossible economy and using food stamps to survive. Revoking food to entice someone into a predatory economy is not something I picture Fred Rogers recommending, so I'll defer to my vision of Fred Rogers' disposition. The kicker is that "noble" truck driving jobs for Frito Lays or Coke/Pepsi are contributing more to obesity than the complete commoditization through automation of essential food and water. 

The song is pandering to an intentionally embedded trope that the welfare state (food stamps in particular) is incipidly intermingled with obesity, often a view packed with the notion that welfare (again, food stamps in particular) are a main driver of the country's economic issues.

Let's frame the issue of food stamps, dividends, investors, citizens, in terms of a singularity in automation (robots that make the robots that make the things).

A nation that doesn't learn well can run amok.  As a nation, we must understand the nature of the root cause of all problems; struggle for control of resources and manufacturing.

Automation of high quality food using robots coming from robots that make robots makes it virtually free to create and distribute food.

How we distribute the spoils of virtually free production is at the center of the struggle.  Should it be distributed as a "dividend to investors", or to a "welfare class"?  Giving the same money to the same group of people but calling it "welfare class" means strictly managed expenditure of the funding, whereas "dividend" implies income and freedom in expenditures.  "Dividend recipients" and "welfare recipients" are the same people.  It's us.  We descend from ancestors that built these systems directly or indirectly.

A very small group of people - call them globalist corporate banks - are fighting exceptionally hard to prevent the wide distribution of these automation/production system profits citing fear of overpopulation.  These same corporations are vested heavily in defence contracting.

DOD fundraisers like to criticize welfare state funding, but defence contracts can be shockingly, ridiculously lucrative.

As virtually free essential goods (food/water, clothing, shelter) are within our grasp, a battle rages about how to distribute the value of these amazing systems.

On the bright side, the song's popularity confirms a big point of ignorance among the public.  We need to have conversations about how do we distribute the spoils of the automation economy.

He sings really well and does make some interesting points that get people talking.
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